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Magnolia Newsletters

Newsletter #1 (May 2022)

Newsletter #2 (August 2022)

Newsletter #3 (February 2023)

Newsletter #4 (September 2023)

Newsletter #5 (March 2024)

External Resources

Books in Homes® is a charitable foundation that provides books of choice to children living in remote, disadvantaged, and low socio-economic circumstances, ensuring crucial early literacy engagement and the development of reading skills needed for lifelong achievement. www.booksinhomes.com.au

Shine for Kids support children and young people affected by the criminal justice system https://shineforkids.org.au

The Community Restorative Centre in NSW provides non-judgemental support, information and advice for families of prisoners from the point of arrest, right through to preparing for release https://www.crcnsw.org.au/get-help/support-for-families/

The Australian Prison Foundation has links to support services around Australia https://australianprisonfoundation.webs.com/organisationsforprisoners.htm

The After Prison Network are interested organisations, academics, reintegration service providers and individuals who have come together to illuminate and publicise the systemic issues that impact on people when they leave prison https://afterprisonnetworkaustralia.wordpress.com

The Justice Reform Initiative is an alliance of Australians committed to reforming the criminal justice system. It works in partnership with other organisations seeking justice reform https://www.justicereforminitiative.org.au

Katherine McLachlan leads research on trauma-informed sentencing and justice initiatives https://katherinemclachlan.com

The Omara law group in the US have contacted us to ask if we can share some of their resources – they have put together an extensive guide to help family members or friends in case a loved one is arrested. This is US focused but the guide includes information about the steps to take after the arrest, what to be aware of if your loved one has mental health issues or disabilities, if they are a minor, and much more. see omaralawgroup.com/what-to-know-if-family-friend-arrested/ for information

(please note this is not an endorsement of their material or services)

Boca Recovery Center is a free web resource and 24/7 helpline based in the US that provides information and support to people dealing with physical, emotional, or sexual abuse and addiction. The Center contacted us to ask if we can share some of their resources. The Center has developed a Trauma-Informed Therapy for Substance Use Disorders resource guide: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/treatment/trauma-informed/ as well as a guide about the dangerous relationship between domestic violence and addiction: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/addiction/addiction-domestic-violence/

(please note this is not an endorsement of their material or services)

We have been contacted by Annuity.Com, a US-based service, to share their webpage on financial abuse. They have also developed a guide on financial literacy for women. While this is a US-based organisation, much of the information is relevance across jurisdictions.

(please note this is not an endorsement of their material or services)

We have been contacted by Farah & Farah, a Florida Law Firm, who has created a webpage for people who have experienced a traumatic car accident. They highlight the importance of addressing the resulting mental health issues, as an accident can significantly impact an individual’s psychological wellbeing.

(please note this is not an endorsement of their material or services)